BBDO: Policy for human rights / BBDO: Policy för mänskliga rättigheter
Client project
Keywords: Layout, print, accessibility
Software: InDesign, Acrobat
During my time as an intern at BBDO Nordics, I had the opportunity to contribute to the design of a report for the City of Malmö and their human rights policy, specifically focusing on their implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Through the project, I learned to process text and create an appropriate layout, while also improving my skills in InDesign. I gained insight into working with clients and participated in the editing of the report several times, alongside Linn Persson, who made the final corrections. The report totaled 20 pages and was printed with an embossed cover, which I later found out the printing company would continue to use as a template for future projects. I also made it accesible for web using Acrobat.
Keywords: Layout, print, accessibility
Software: InDesign, Acrobat
During my time as an intern at BBDO Nordics, I had the opportunity to contribute to the design of a report for the City of Malmö and their human rights policy, specifically focusing on their implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Through the project, I learned to process text and create an appropriate layout, while also improving my skills in InDesign. I gained insight into working with clients and participated in the editing of the report several times, alongside Linn Persson, who made the final corrections. The report totaled 20 pages and was printed with an embossed cover, which I later found out the printing company would continue to use as a template for future projects. I also made it accesible for web using Acrobat.
Text editing and layout: Linn Persson, Cajsa Tapper
Illustrations, color palette and patterns: Hossein Lavi
Illustrations, color palette and patterns: Hossein Lavi
Under min tid som praktikant hos BBDO Nordics fick jag möjlighet att vara med och formge en rapport åt Malmö stad och deras policy för mänskliga rättigheter, specifikt hur de jobbar med barnkonventionen. Genom projektet lärde jag mig bearbeta text och utforma en passande layout, samtidigt som jag också blev bättre på InDesign. Jag fick även en insyn i hur det funkar att jobba mot kund och var även med och korrigerade rapporten ett par gånger tillsammans med Linn Persson, som gjorde de slutgiltiga korrigeringarna. Rapporten blev totalt 20 sidor och trycktes med präglat omslag, något jag senare fick höra att tryckföretaget ville använda som mall för framtida projekt. Jag gjorde även tillgänglighets-anpassningen för webben.
Textbearbetning och layout: Linn Persson, Cajsa Tapper
Illustrationer, färgval och mönster: Hossein Lavi
Illustrationer, färgval och mönster: Hossein Lavi