Bfree: Graduation project / Bfree: Examensprojekt
Graduation project
Keywords: Brand strategy, Brand Identity, UX/UI, Prepress, Presentation
Software: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, After Effects, Premiere Pro
Bfree was the final project which Jonathan, Emilia, Elin and I created during the five last weeks before graduation. We decided to go for a youth center focused on the LGBTQI+ community located in Karlstad, called Bfree. Our biggest challenge was coming up with a whole identity from scratch, since the community didn’t have one already. We spent almost three weeks concluding research about youth communities and then especially those focused on the LGBTQI+ communtiy. As it turned out, the need for safe spaces amongst young people who identify outside the norms of society is still very big in Sweden. It became clear to us how significant this place is as a meeting point and what a renewal of Bfree could mean for young LGBTQI+ individuals.
To attract more people to the center, we developed a folder and other printed materials that appeal to the target group without appearing outdated or too mainstream. Additionally, we extended the youth center with a website and an updated social media profile, where young people can seek support and encouragement. In this way, we hope that Bfree will remain a safe and empowering meeting place, helping more young people have the courage to be themselves.
Keywords: Brand strategy, Brand Identity, UX/UI, Prepress, Presentation
Software: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, After Effects, Premiere Pro
Bfree was the final project which Jonathan, Emilia, Elin and I created during the five last weeks before graduation. We decided to go for a youth center focused on the LGBTQI+ community located in Karlstad, called Bfree. Our biggest challenge was coming up with a whole identity from scratch, since the community didn’t have one already. We spent almost three weeks concluding research about youth communities and then especially those focused on the LGBTQI+ communtiy. As it turned out, the need for safe spaces amongst young people who identify outside the norms of society is still very big in Sweden. It became clear to us how significant this place is as a meeting point and what a renewal of Bfree could mean for young LGBTQI+ individuals.
To attract more people to the center, we developed a folder and other printed materials that appeal to the target group without appearing outdated or too mainstream. Additionally, we extended the youth center with a website and an updated social media profile, where young people can seek support and encouragement. In this way, we hope that Bfree will remain a safe and empowering meeting place, helping more young people have the courage to be themselves.
Bfree var slutprojektet som Jonathan, Emilia, Elin och jag jobbade med under de sista fem veckorna före examen. Vi bestämde oss för att satsa på en ungdomsgård i Karlstad med fokus på hbtqi+-ungdomar. Vår största utmaning var att skapa en hel identitet från grunden, eftersom ungdomsgården inte hade en redan. Vi tillbringade nästan tre veckor bara med att researcha ungdomsgårdar generellt och sedan de med extra fokus och stöd för hbtqi+-ungdomar. Det visade sig att behovet av trygga mötesplatser för de som inte följer normen fortfarande är väldigt stort i Sverige. Det blev tydligt för oss hur betydelsefull mötesplatsen är och vad en förnyelse av Bfree skulle innebära för de individer som identifierar sig som hbtqi+.
För att locka fler ungdomar till hänget utvecklade vi en folder och annat printat amaterial som tilltalar målgruppen utan att det blir för barnsligt eller stereotypiskt. Dessutom förlängde vi mötesplatsen till en webbsida och en uppdaterad profil på sociala medier, med målet att peppa och stötta ungdomar. På det sättet hoppas vi att Bfree förblir en trygg och stärkande mötesplats för att unga ska ha modet att vara sig själva.
För att locka fler ungdomar till hänget utvecklade vi en folder och annat printat amaterial som tilltalar målgruppen utan att det blir för barnsligt eller stereotypiskt. Dessutom förlängde vi mötesplatsen till en webbsida och en uppdaterad profil på sociala medier, med målet att peppa och stötta ungdomar. På det sättet hoppas vi att Bfree förblir en trygg och stärkande mötesplats för att unga ska ha modet att vara sig själva.
Overview prints
/ Översikt trycksaker
/ Översikt trycksaker
/ Klistermärken
Emilia & Elin did the lovely illustrations, I prepared the print- and cutting files.
A big part of the process was making sure colors were printed according to our guidelines. Therefore, I made sure to choose the right translated CMYK-colors from the original PMS-colors for coated vs uncoated material.
/ Klistermärken
Emilia & Elin did the lovely illustrations, I prepared the print- and cutting files.
A big part of the process was making sure colors were printed according to our guidelines. Therefore, I made sure to choose the right translated CMYK-colors from the original PMS-colors for coated vs uncoated material.
We all collaborated creating appealing posters for schools and other places where young people spend a lot of time. I made the first one in the row.
Click the photos to see them in a bigger format.
We all collaborated creating appealing posters for schools and other places where young people spend a lot of time. I made the first one in the row.
Click the photos to see them in a bigger format.
Elin was the main creator of the folder, which was our primary marketing piece. It should be placed at public libraries and spaces where young people spend a lot of time.
Elin was the main creator of the folder, which was our primary marketing piece. It should be placed at public libraries and spaces where young people spend a lot of time.
Website mobile
/ Webbsida mobil
Emilia and I created the new webpage. I was responsible for the mobile version.
Animation made by me.
/ Webbsida mobil
Emilia and I created the new webpage. I was responsible for the mobile version.
Animation made by me.
Brand guidelines
/ Grafisk manual
We all worked together deciding the brand guidelines. I was responsible for putting it all together, the layout, the copy and making sure the brand manual reflected our work properly. Click it through below :)
/ Grafisk manual
We all worked together deciding the brand guidelines. I was responsible for putting it all together, the layout, the copy and making sure the brand manual reflected our work properly. Click it through below :)